This series was born through a error produced by Adobe Photoshop's. The colors were automatically generated when I opened the photos one by one on Photoshop. The color effect is unique and it can't be reproduced. This serie had the first exhibition at Taverne Guttenberg, in Lyon, France
This series was born through a error produced by Adobe Photoshop's. The colors were automatically generated when I opened the photos one by one on Photoshop. The color effect is unique and it can't be reproduced. This serie had the first exhibition at Taverne Guttenberg, in Lyon, France
This series was born through a error produced by Adobe Photoshop's. The colors were automatically generated when I opened the photos one by one on Photoshop. The color effect is unique and it can't be reproduced. This serie had the first exhibition at Taverne Guttenberg, in Lyon, France
This series was born through a error produced by Adobe Photoshop's. The colors were automatically generated when I opened the photos one by one on Photoshop. The color effect is unique and it can't be reproduced. This serie had the first exhibition at Taverne Guttenberg, in Lyon, France